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Date collection methods

There are 4 ways you can collect dates in Billy:

1. Auto collection

Referenced in the Add Billy to a channel section, you can enable Billy to automatically collect dates.

auto collect dates for bithday bot

Billy will then send friendly reminders to your teammates, as shown below:

reminders to collect dates for birthday bot

2. Excel import

For an Excel import, first download the template file from Billy for the intended channel:

excel spreadsheet import in slack for birthdays

The Excel template includes columns for:

  • ID (Slack user ID or email)
  • Full name
  • Display name
  • Birthday month (1-12)
  • Birthday day (1-31)
  • Work anniversary month (1-12), day (1-31), and year (YYYY) if the work anniversary feature is activated.

Note: The ID column defaults to the Slack user ID, but emails can also be used.

After filling out the Excel file, upload it to Billy via the Messages tab:

upload back the excel to Billy

3. Manual notify

Click Notify X members for the intended channel:

notify people so that they enter their dates

This action will open a confirmation modal, reminding you of the number of members you are about to notify. It also shows which members have already been notified in the past 24 hours.

confirm to notify

Members will then receive a notification from Billy, requesting them to submit their birthdate.

notification from billy birthday

4. Manual edit

To manually edit a member's dates, click on the Edit events button located in the Upcoming events 🗓️ section of the personal settings.

manually edit dates for birthday bot

Next, select the member whose dates you wish to edit:

select the person to edit the birth date

Finally, update the dates and click Save:

 save the date information in Billy