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Create a survey

To create a survey, follow these steps:

1. Click ➕ Create survey

pulsy home tab admin settings

2. Fill out the name, the anonymity, the audience, and submit

pulsy create survey modal

You will be redirected to the survey edit page where you can:

  1. Edit the general settings
  2. Add questions
pulsy survey edit page

3. Edit the general settings

This time, you'll find the parameters you set in step 2, as well as all other parameters (Frequency, Deadline, and Reminders).

pulsy survey general settings modal

4. Add questions

To add questions, select the theme and check/uncheck the questions you'd like to add. If you don't see the question you need, you can always create your own question as well as edit existing ones.

To learn more about creating/managing questions, visit the Manage questions page.

pulsy survey add questions modal

Hooray! You're now ready to publish your survey!