
Used by 1% of top companies

What is this value about?

Confidence as a company value is about fostering a culture of self-assuredness and trust in one's abilities and decisions. It involves encouraging employees to believe in their skills and judgment, and to approach challenges with a positive and assertive attitude. Confidence is key to innovation, effective decision-making, and leadership.

How do you use this company value in everyday operations?

In everyday operations, confidence is seen in employees taking initiative, expressing their ideas freely, and tackling challenges head-on. It involves leaders empowering their teams, providing constructive feedback, and creating an environment where taking calculated risks is supported.

Top companies using Confidence as a company value

Docker logo
Software development platform.
Airbyte logo
Open-source EL(T) platform

Confidence has 2 different terminology

Companies don’t always use the same terminology or definition for the same idea. Here is a listing of alternative found:

Humble Confidence

Used by

We are Humble yet Confident

Used by