
Used by 2% of top companies

What is this value about?

Compassion as a company value is about showing empathy and concern for the well-being of employees, customers, and the wider community. It involves understanding and addressing the needs and challenges of others, and taking actions that contribute positively to their welfare. Compassion enhances the company's social responsibility and employee satisfaction.

How do you use this company value in everyday operations?

In everyday operations, compassion is evident in supportive workplace policies, customer service practices that go above and beyond to address customer needs, and company initiatives that contribute to societal well-being. It fosters a caring and empathetic work environment.

Top companies using Compassion as a company value

Hightouch logo
Sync data from your warehouse into the tools your business teams rely…
Dagger logo
Develop your CI/CD pipelines as code and run them anywhere
Meru Health logo
An online provider for greater mental health

Compassion has 2 different terminology

Companies don’t always use the same terminology or definition for the same idea. Here is a listing of alternative found:


Have compassion

Used by