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Quick setup (1 minute)

Step 1: Public posting channel & claps per week

The public posting channel is where Clappy will post all public kudos.

Define claps each person can give out each week.
Keep in mind that unused claps are lost; they do not accumulate.


We strongly recommend sticking to 5 claps per week, as this allows each team member to have enough claps to give out throughout the week without the mental burden of deciding how many claps to give to each person.

public slack channel for kudos posts

Step 2: Company values

Defining your company values enables people to choose one or more when giving kudos. It's an excellent way to promote your values internally and will reveal value-related insights on the insights dashboard.

define company values for clappy kudos

Step 3: Appreciation Day & leaderboards

Appreciation Day helps create a culture of recognition within your company by sending reminders and/or direct messages on a day/frequency of your choosing.

Leaderboards are an excellent way to engage your employees and introduce friendly competition.

appreciation day option

You're done 🙌

done installing kudos app

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